Website reaches far and wide
Feed back regarding web site has been great.
It never ceases to amaze me as to just who reads this web site! I have had mates e-mail me from overseas and interstate to pass comment (some not so complimentary) regarding the site. I have even had people email me to pick me up on my spelling and grammatical mistakes. I take it all on board and I am very happy to receive feed back whether it is complimentary or otherwise.
Firstly let me say that as a two finger typist (I have progressed from one finger) most things related to electronics, key boards and computers in general are foreign to me. In all the mucking around trying to get this site up and running there have been more than the odd headache or two. The biggest one being that there is still no automatic spell check. That being the case there are going to be more than a few spelling mistakes and even the odd grammatical mistakes until we get that rectified. I never did set out to become a journalist. I'm finding it tough enough being a horse trainer!
All that aside I do enjoy the banter and feed back I receive and I'm always open to suggestions. I've been told where to go so often that I now look forward to the trip! I won't mention the recent recommendation I was given from a good friend in London. Although I do think it would have been good fun!!!!
While I'm here I'd like say hello to a great bloke and a very good friend in "Dr Toss." Some of you may know the good doctor from his Broome days a few years ago. The Doc is one of those guys who is always off saving the world somewhere. One day the jungles of South America, the next day Beijing or Shanghai. Doc keeps abreast of things on my web page and often emails to say hello.
Keep up the good work Doc!
It never ceases to amaze me as to just who reads this web site! I have had mates e-mail me from overseas and interstate to pass comment (some not so complimentary) regarding the site. I have even had people email me to pick me up on my spelling and grammatical mistakes. I take it all on board and I am very happy to receive feed back whether it is complimentary or otherwise.
Firstly let me say that as a two finger typist (I have progressed from one finger) most things related to electronics, key boards and computers in general are foreign to me. In all the mucking around trying to get this site up and running there have been more than the odd headache or two. The biggest one being that there is still no automatic spell check. That being the case there are going to be more than a few spelling mistakes and even the odd grammatical mistakes until we get that rectified. I never did set out to become a journalist. I'm finding it tough enough being a horse trainer!
All that aside I do enjoy the banter and feed back I receive and I'm always open to suggestions. I've been told where to go so often that I now look forward to the trip! I won't mention the recent recommendation I was given from a good friend in London. Although I do think it would have been good fun!!!!
While I'm here I'd like say hello to a great bloke and a very good friend in "Dr Toss." Some of you may know the good doctor from his Broome days a few years ago. The Doc is one of those guys who is always off saving the world somewhere. One day the jungles of South America, the next day Beijing or Shanghai. Doc keeps abreast of things on my web page and often emails to say hello.
Keep up the good work Doc!
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