I have to say first off that what I know about politics would not fill an egg cup. When I was young.... many many years ago, politicians all seemed to be very wise old men who were full of knowledge and wisdom. Men I looked up to! Very much like stewards and race club committeemen. As I gained in years and life's experiences, I soon realised how wrong I had been for all those years. The truth is quite the opposite and as I have become even older and wiser myself, I tend to think less and less of all of them. Most of them I wouldn't trust to run my stables for a day let alone four years!(You certainly wouldn't want to be sniffing any seats around here I can assure you!!)
The one very good piece of advice I did receive many years ago is that no matter which political party is in power.... stay sweet with them if you are trying to run a business!
This all leads me to question the value or motive in the comments published in last weeks morning paper in relation to the weekends elections under the headline ELECTION PLAN "PATHETIC." Now don't get me wrong. Anyone who knows me knows that I am "no fence sitter." Nor am I privy to the inner workings of race clubs and politicians, however if there is one thing I have learnt over the years it is this.
In a two horse race, never back one side and bag the other when there is a real chance that the side you have bagged may in fact own the backside which you need to be kissing the following week. I am sure you get my drift. Pretty poor politics if you ask me! I am not convinced that the racing industry as a whole backed the published comments, nor were they consulted on their views.
The next few weeks will make for very interesting politics as far as the racing industry is concerned!