
Luciani Racing News

Lou Luciani is one of the most experienced horse trainers in WA. He offers owners a complete package, from selecting and buying a horse through to agistment, training and racing. He takes care of everything – from organizing horse floats to taking care of paperwork – so that owners can have as much or as little hands-on as they want.

Friday, 26 February 2010


I will be praying for a change to the heat wave conditions we have forecast for the next couple of days as we head into the weekend with a number of runners with most having some chance. I am not sure how my horses like the hot conditions which have been forecast but I do know that this little black duck is no fan of the heat. I would be happier if it started snowing!

Tomorrow we head to Ascot with three runners, CROWN OF CAITLIN, an each way chance in race 4 and MOCCASIN BEND and ESTIARTE, both good chances in the last race of the day. MOCCASIN BEND had real excuses last start and ESTIARTE is working in top style but continues to draw bad barriers. We took him out last weekend because of a bad barrier and the same thing has happened this Saturday.

On Sunday we head to Pinjarra where I have five runners accepted for at this stage and they all look like taking their places. We start the day with lightly raced filly PENNIES O'REILLY who should go close in race one. It will be a long day for all concerned as we then have to wait for the last three races for our next runners. SHE'LL BE RIGHT will step up to 2000m in race 8 before GUYNO and ALMOHAD contest the 2300m Pinjarra Cup. We end the day with CEEDEX running over 1500m in the last race of the day.

At this stage ALMOHAD looks to be my best chance on paper however I wouldn't underestimate the chances of my little mate GUYNO with Willie Pike to ride. I will be happy if either wins however I have to say i will get an extra kick as well as there being a special feeling if it happens to be GUYNO.

Whatever the day holds in store I just hope the heat stays away and allows us the chance to enjoy what is shaping as a bumper day for the club.

Providing they both perform well and pull up well, I will probably head back down to the farm with them at some stage during the week to prepare them for the Bunbury Cup on March 11th. Not sure if the country air does much for the horses but the trainer seems to thrive in it!!

Saturday, 20 February 2010


I know its a popular song title but that's not what I was referring to. Yesterday I went down to Amelia Park to pick up my two horses, GUYNO and ALMOHAD who had both been taking it easy since they raced in the A.H.A Cup at Bunbury last Sunday.

Both horses came through the runs in great style and ALMOHAD has actually put on a bit of weight since the run. He will need to have a couple of serious workouts this week to ensure he is at his peak for the Pinjarra Cup next weekend. GUYNO on the other hand has tightened up a bit over the past few weeks and is now getting back to his peak fitness. Guyno is not one to get himself excited about very much and he is unlikely to ever break any records in his track work leading up to his races. I don't think I have ever handled a horse with such a good temperament. For that reason he usually takes a run or two to bring him to his top.

Now that the two boys are back at my Ascot stables I might be able to give my groin and hamstrings a bit of rest. I don't do trackwork at Ascot! Everyone seemed to get a real kick out of hearing that I had pulled up a bit "tight" after a couple of fast workouts down at the farm. Some people just seem to delight in others pain and misfortune.

The nastiest comment of all came from my son who I thought would be a bit more understanding. I told him that I was struggling to get GUYNO to go much faster than three quarter pace in his work at the farm and I couldn't work out whether it was the fact that the track was a bit soft or that the horse was too relaxed. "Are you sure it hasn't got something to do with the weight he is carrying" asked Dion? Cruel son,. Very cruel!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Jason Whiting gets ALMOHAD up in the last stride on the weekend to win the AHA Cup at Bunbury.

He now tries to convince all of us that it was a lot better ride than it looked. Jockey's!!!

ALMOHAD posses for his post race photo wearing his sash and his rug while attendant Sarah Brown hides at the back. She can be quite shy until you get to know her!

The happy group of owners and representatives from the AHA and Coca Cola, gather for the group photo. (Photo's courtesy Hollands Photographics.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


When I went to the races at Bunbury on Sunday, I fully expected that my horses ALMOHAD and GUYNO would fight out the finish. I even expected that ALMOHAD may have been forced into the role of pacemaker in the early stages of the race. What I didn't expect was that he would crawl along in front for the whole race and sprint home up the straight in a shocking run race. Effectively, GUYNO may have stayed back at the farm and had a stroll on the walker and a swim in the pool. He would have done more work!!!

Not trying to be a bad winner but really it was as bad a run race as Ive been involved in for quite a long time and a race where I think a lot of performances should be forgotten. Jason Whiting aboard ALMOHAD was allowed to stroll along in an uncustomary position in front before being past and then regaining the lead on the post to record one of the slowest times recorded for 2000m ever run. All that aside it was a lot better win than it looked and I am happy with where he is at as he heads towards the two big Cups.

There were some happy owners after the race all keen to get in on the celebrations and the winning feeling created by ALMOHAD.


This morning I headed up what I thought was bright and early to Bunbury to work my two runners in this weekends A.H.A. Cup. My son Dion came down to the farm last night and we wanted to give both horses a solid workout on the grass track at Bunbury. I was figuring on a nice quiet relaxing morning at a country training centre but boy was I in for a shock. Maybe I was reminiscing back to the days when I use to drive down to Bunbury on Sunday mornings and ride Lourdes Pilgrim and Melody Hour in trackwork for Roseanne Pimm. I forgot that that was back in the mid to late 70's.

As we approached the track, the first thing I noticed was the float park was full to capacity with two horse floats and bigger trucks of every size. I struck it lucky as a big truck pulled out leaving me room to park and unload. When we walked in the gate, nearly every stall was occupied and the hustle and bustle was akin to Ascot on a Tuesday morning during the carnival.There were track riders and stable hands everywhere busily following their trainers instructions. Was this for real or was I still in bed and this was all a terrible dream. This was Bunbury at 5.00am not Flemington or Caulfield. While I'm at it, I have to say a big thank you to my mate Warwick Bradshaw who came to my rescue and offered me two stalls while he relocated two of his own horses. Not something you would see happen very often at Ascot on a busy Tuesday morning I must say.

Now this may have been provincial training centre but this was certainly no hicksville. Gone are the days when some broken down old trainer with the strong smell of alcohol on his breath and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, would stagger through the gates leading a rough looking nag which would not look out of place at a knackery. The trainer was invariably followed in by his wife carrying the saddle, closely followed by the kids dragging the bridle, the chains or the packing and wearing a dressing gown and slippers. There could be any number of friends and relations making up the entourage. That was how country training tracks were back in the "good old days".

As I said this was no hicksville. This was a professional show with professional people as the main actors. Some of the states leading trainers and horsemen all busy going about getting the task at hand completed as quickly and safely as possible. Trainers like Ross Price, Bruce Watkins, Brent Larsson, Chris Stelmach, Toby Bairstow, Michael Lane, Michael Campbell, The Giadresco family and many others.

All of these top class horsemen and women working their horses in conditions which have not improved much since the days when Sonny Scott would pull off plunges with regular monotony training from the same track. If ever there was a time for those in charge of the industry at RWWA to get out of bed and go down and view the early morning track work conditions first hand then now is that time. This club and this track need a huge injection of funds spent not to patch things up but to completely overhaul the training facilities there so as to give the participants some certainty for the next 40 to 50 years.

Bunbury and the surrounding areas must surely have one of the biggest horse populations outside the metropolitan area and after what I witnessed this morning, I'm not convinced it is not bigger. Surely now is the time to take the bull by the horns and plan something futuristic for racing in the south west so as to secure the future for so many people working in the industry.

As much as I may have been at a different track this morning with different people, some things never change. The banter and the humour between trainers and staff is something which is universally accepted. As is living in the hope that the next baby we break in just could turn out to be the next Northerly!


Whilst not professing to be a big fan of his, there was one song which contained the words something along the line of "Life on the farm is kinda laid back, early to rise and early in the sack". Well something like that anyway. Can't help feel a bit that way lately since I have been staying down at the "farm" (Amelia Park) as I get Guyno and ALMOHAD ready for their next races.

Although I grew up in the bush, it is certainly a strange feeling now some 40 years after heading to the big smoke, to get up at my usual City time of 3.45am and step outside to nothing but pitch black. No street lights, no lights coming from nearby buildings, no cars low flying along the highway and no paper at my doorstep . Just silence and black!!!!

I have to say that I am enjoying it more than I thought I would however I have to somehow let "Walshy" know that I am not able to stay up till all hours enjoying his hospitality, then still get up bright and early to go over and take care of my horses. I always enjoy riding my own horses in their slow work down here at the farm. Riding "long" is both enjoyable and comfortable for me however not so riding short!!!

Saturday morning I pulled my irons up and rode GUYNO and ALMOHAD "Jockey style" in their even time workouts. Not the cleverest thing I have done lately I have to say. I have to own up and maybe reluctantly agree with my son when he tells me I am getting old!! My groin and hamstrings feel like I have just competed in a triathlon! Not that I will let on to my son!

Anyway I am sure I will survive and live to fight another day. Even if it is from a the back of my new "Gopher".


Both GUYNO and ALMOHAD showed in their work this morning that they are both at the peak of their form and are both ready to run bold races in the A.H.A. Cup at Bunbury this weekend.

Both horses ran great races when resuming at Ascot at the end of January and both appear to have gone ahead nicely with the runs. Whilst ALMOHAD will be one of the main chances, getting into the race on the minimum weight, the same cannot be said for my old mate GUYNO who is likely to head the weights at somewhere around 60.0kg.

It is unfortunate that there are no other lead up races available for horses like GUYNO, who has a high rating but we have no option but to have to either carry weight or stay home. GUYNO is not a big horse and has never been a great weight carrier but I am confident that he will try his heart out and give his best. He is such a brave and honest competitor that nothing surprises me with him. ALMOHAD on the other hand has been able to win his way through the classes and is still at the bottom of the open handicaps. He has taken a bit longer than most to put it all together but boy he certainly is heading in the right direction at the moment.

Providing that they both come through their races well they will both head towards the Pinjarra Cup and Bunbury Cup at their next starts.


I am happy to report that my runners from last Saturday's Ascot meeting have all come through their runs in good style and I am looking forward to the future with them. Four of my five runners were racing first up,some after injury enforced spells, so it was with fingers crossed and held breath that I approached the stables on Sunday morning for a first hand check.

I am pleased to say that three of the horses who have had setbacks of different degrees over the past twelve months, all came through the runs in good shape. ESTIARTE, KLASY SPY and MOCCASIN BEND all ran mighty races along with BLACK HABIT who was also racing first up. She would have finished a good bit closer if it were not for the interference she suffered mid race. My other runner PENNIES O'REILLY was having only her third start this preparation after having only one start as a late two year old. She is a filly who has a fair bit to learn and only racing and time will help her to come forward as much as she needs to. In saying that she ran a great race to run fourth over 1800m giving every indication that the further they go the better she will go.

MOCCASIN BEND will now be prepared for the two major provincial sprints at Pinjarra and Bunbury over the next few weeks before we put her back in the paddock to prepare for the summer carnival. I think if she remains sound she is capable of playing a part.

Monday, 1 February 2010


Almohad is led back to scale by "Champion lead in owner" David Law after the win on Saturday. David can always be relied upon to take care of the lead in duties after any win. Good luck to you Dave!

Part owner Peter Walsh accepts the trophy from Mr Lim Joo Boon, representing the Singapore Turf Club.

Successful Jockey Jason Whiting accepts his trophy from Mr Lim Joo Boon (No relation to David) after the great win on Saturday.

The group photo showing part owners, David Law, Trevor Nisbett, Peter Walsh, Jason Whiting, Lim Joo Boon, Brian Bradley, Unknown member of Singapore Turf Club, Jean Law and Graham Donovan.


Lightly raced mare MOCCASIN BEND has come through months of long slow work and I am looking forward to her making her return to the race track this weekend.

The mare has not raced since winning the 2008 W.A. Guineas at her last start before a spell. The filly was then given a good spell as she had been up for a long time. She was one week off making her return in the Roma Cup last year when she developed some heat and soreness in her off fore leg which required another good spell before she was able to resume work. The mare did plenty of rehab work before resuming full work and I was more than happy with the way she came through her mandatory trial at Lark Hill last week.

Moccasin Bend has shown outstanding potential in her short career and if we can get her back to that form and keep her sound, she should not take long to add to her imposing record. At this stage she will make her return in the Flower Quality this Saturday before we look at the S.W. Sprints with her. The mare looks terrific and will improve on whatever she does this weekend.


What a sensational effort from my little mate on Saturday. GUYNO was having his first start back at the race track since his bleeding attack in the Geelong Cup back in late October. The horse then suffered the usual three month ban and the race on Saturday fell only one week after that date.

GUYNO spent time at Amelia Park where he was kept up to the mark with plenty of slow work. He had done plenty of work leading into his return and to run such a bold race first up over 1800m carrying top weight of 58.5kg was a superb effort. I have to own up and admit that this horse has developed into one of the most favourite horses I have ever handled. Had he won on Saturday instead of running second, the win would have surpassed his efforts in either the Derby or the Perth Cup. I am sure that there will be another win in the horse somewhere soon.

At this stage the horse will be aimed towards the Pinjarra and Bunbury Cups however the fact that he is likely to cop a fair bit of weight in both, means that we will not set anything in concrete with him just yet. I would be happy to take him away again if there was an ideal race for him however the fact that he has bled and is on his last chance makes going away a big risk.


Up and comming staying star ALMOHAD made a winning return to the race track on Saturday in what was a hard fought win over 1500m. ALMOHAD was racing for the first time since his victory over 1800m on Perth Cup day and was burdened with 58.0kg so his effort in getting up in the final few strides was full of merit.

ALMOHAD was sent down to Amelia Park Farm after his win on Cup day where he spent some time in the paddock while keeping his fitness level up with walking and swiming. The horse only did a few weeks of saddle work and went into the race on Saturday with only one solid gallop. A lot of credit for the win must go to Christy and the staff at Amelia Park for the work they did with Almohad while he was at the farm. As much as I spend plenty of time there, it is good to be able to walk away relaxed knowing that the girls have everything under control.

ALMOHAD has come through the race well and he will follow the usual lead up races towards the Bunbury and Pinjarra Cups. The horse will head towards the A.H.A. Cup at Bunbury next start before he takes on the two major races. If at any stage I feel the horse may have had enough we will send him straight to the paddock for a good spell. The horse gives every indication that he could be a real chance in the 3 major distance races at our next summer carnival.

At this stage he will be given an easy week to help him get over Saturday's gret win and I will be keeping my fingers crossed that all stays in order with him.


Last week was one of the toughest weeks on the calendar with yearling sales thrown in on top of our usual workload all mixed in with a near record hot spell just to ensure we didn't get any respite. I am glad the week is over.

I did go to the sales keen to buy two stand out fillies, Lot 1 a filly out of Ebony Magic, a mare I won plenty of races with including a win at Moonee Valley back some years ago and Lot 310 a half sister to my smart mare Moccasin Bend. These two fillies were what I considered to be the top fillies at the sales however I didn't have the money or the buyer to pay for either so we had to work even harder to find what will hopefully prove to be great value buying.

My son Dion and I spent a great deal of time inspecting yearlings in the weeks leading up to the sales as well as time inspecting at the sale yards. It takes a lot of time and effort to do everything possible to eliminate the horses which don't catch our eye as well as those with obvious faults and problems. This does not guarantee success nor does it mean that those eliminated wont gallop or win races. What we do try to do is ensure that those we select have got the best possible chance of firstly making it to the race track and then being successful when they do. There is nothing more frustrating than having the fastest ho best horse in the state sitting at home in the box because he has to many soundness issues to get to the race track.

Most of the yearlings we purchased were for existing clients however there are also a few which we bought on speck and will no doubt find owners for over the next few months. Anyone wanting any info on those yearlings is welcome to get in touch with me and I will gladly answer all your queries.


I know I've said it before but it really has been a busy month. Pretty weak excuse I know but its all I have to offer for my slackness in not keeping this page more up to date. We no sooner came out of the new year when it was off inspecting yearlings for the recent sales. Throw in the few race days plus the trips down to Amelia Park to supervise ALMOHAD and GUYNO and before you know it the sales are on (in typical heat wave conditions) then its races again. I know I have promised to do better but even horse trainers deserve a break!!!!!

Anyway I will again promise to do my best to keep the news section more up to date and with a lot of horses ready to make their return to the race track over the next few months it should be fairly easy to post fresh news.

It has now been a whole month since ALMOHAD was successful on Cup day and a similar time since I copped my $2000 fine for my poor choice of words after his win. There has been plenty of water under the bridge since then and there has been no end to the ribbing I have copped since. Nothing much I can do about all that now so I guess I will simply have to continue to cop it sweet and move on.

Anyway let me wish all the site readers a belated Happy New Year and I hope we can enjoy plenty of success over the next twelve months whilst also being able to enjoy some humour and good fun along the way.
